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Five Things You Should Know About Interim Executives

9th June 2017

Interim Executives are experts in managing transition, change, uncertainty or crisis. They are suitably overqualified and used to being hired on an assignment basis to deliver. Much is written about interim managers and executives, often conflicting and confusing.  So here are five key things you should know about interim managers and executives.

A Rare Breed.
Not every available executive has the composure to walk into pretty much any change situation – and deal with it. Those that can are proactive, decisive, results-oriented achievers who combine strategic experience with a ‘hands-on’ approach. They adapt rapidly to different cultures, sectors and organisations. They are most definitely people-oriented, able to motivate, assess and handle a new team quickly. Above all, they are resilient, energetic, fit and work well independently. They are rarely available, because they are in such demand.

They have significant change, transition, programme or crisis management experience. Used to accelerating change or managing transition for a range of clients, they are usually overqualified to do this. Crucially, they always focus on just the assignment at hand – not how long they can stay (or whether they might go permanent).

They Deliver.
Interim executives know how to share knowledge, experience and implement positive change in organisations. They’ll often sense-check strategy from consulting firms, adapt the best parts for the client organisation, then provide leadership and impetus for its implementation.

Instant Leaders.
Interim managers and executives provide instant leadership for a period of time – whether to a company, a team or a programme. This is about sharing knowledge and experience, fresh ideas and insights. Their ability to deliver immediate interim leadership has helped clients achieve enduring results for years.

A Sustainable Legacy.
Interim managers and executives reassure management teams from day one, share their knowledge and expertise and know how to manage a timely exit and hand-over, delivering legacies of enduring and positive outcomes and operational improvement.

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